Boston’s Not-So-Secret Gardens

Since moving to Boston less than a year ago, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by all the gorgeous green spaces in the heart of the city. These places aren’t secrets for people who grew up in the area, but for me–a west coast girl–these have all been fun discoveries since moving here.  

The Boston Public Garden is the first public botanical garden in the U.S., dating back to the 1800s. It’s also one of my favorite places in the city. One of the challenges of living in an apartment building in a big city can be access to outdoor space that feels like nature. This gem in the heart of the city boasts a pond with swan boats and actual swans as well as seasonal flowers, so there’s always something in bloom. And there’s never a shortage of Instagrammable moments. 

The Fenway Victory Gardens are another gem. Founded in 1942 by the Roosevelt Administration, it was one of over 20 million victory gardens responsible for nearly half of all the vegetable produce during World War II. Now, it’s filled with individual plots where Boston locals and groups grow flowers and vegetables just a few blocks from Fenway Park. It also has a cool view of the Prudential Center. 

Until next time, here goes nothing. 

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