How to Take Better iPhone Photos of Your Friends (and You!)

How to Take Better iPhone Photos of Your Friends (and You!)

according to body positive creator, @heregoesgabbi

Always shoot in LIVE. It allows you to pick the perfect frame when you're in motion like this and BONUS: you can convert them to video clips to use in reels.

Ask them to give you space around you in the frame. That'll make it easy for you to crop and manipulate the framing.

Ask them to move around you while you stay in one place. That'll ensure you're captured from different sides. This includes asking them to get closer portrait shots as well.

Change your levels. Either the photographer or the model (or both). Don't be afraid to move up and down to get new perspective.

Play with facial expressions. Be sassy. Be silly. Laugh. Blow a kiss. Give yourself a range of looks to choose from.

Always be clicking. Take too many photos. You can always delete them, but never settle for just three. Take a dozen. Take two dozen.

Looking for more photo and style inspiration? Follow me on Instagram or TikTok: @heregoesgabbi.