5 Tips for a New Influencer

According to @heregoesgabbi

Hi! I am Gabbi, also known as @HereGoesGabbi.  I have been building my influencer brand for 5+ years. I am not an overnight success, but now I do make money from my blog, Instagram and Tikok.

Tip #1: Treat it like a side hustle.

You can't half-ass this. It's not just taking pretty pictures. It's understanding storytelling, digital strategy and business. Of course, there's a lot of learning as you go to. 

Tip #2:  Progress over perfection.

Social media is unpredictable. Algorithms change. The market gets saturated. But that also means you never know when a piece of content will take off! Just post! Experiment. See what resonates.

Tip #3:  Don't limit yourself to one channel.

I believe it's short-sighted to only invest in one platform because trends come and go. Thinking about your niche and select 2-3 channels to commit to. Personally, I love my blog and the power of SEO content..

Tip #4:  Think of value beyond money.

Some influencers want to be paid for everything. Fair enough when it's your full-time job. For me, I love doing FAM trips to see new destinations for free or get consistent gifted products from brands I love to use in photo shoots. I find value in that as well as my paid partnerships.

Tip #5:  Learn to say "no."

It's really tempting to say "yes" to every offer. I definitely did that for a while. I was so excited just to get the offer. As you grow, you'll need to balance sponsored posts with your organic content. Plus, you'll want to make sure the brands you work with align with your values.

Go out there and make some content, and find @heregoesgabbi on Instagram and TikTok.